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706-517-2229 or 800-526-2229

Carpet Tile Wear Rating

Would you not like to know if the commercial carpet, including carpet tiles you are planning on purchasing, will perform and last for as long as you need it to? Sure you do, that can be a major investment.


There are several carpet manufacturers that offer an objective durability rating called TARR, Texture Appearance Retention Rating.  TARR tests a carpet’s capacity to stay tufted, its unique shape after being appropriately installed and maintained in a business setting. These evaluations can simplify your carpet choice process by removing the mystery from your carpet purchasing experience. Ratings are sorted as Moderate, Heavy and Severe based on their end use in a commercial business setting. The carpet is tested in conditions that resemble everyday foot traffic to recreate the business setting. The longer the carpet keeps its unique, tufted shape, the higher the rating.

TARR Ratings Or Wear Ratings are ranked as Moderate, Heavy and Severe. These Classifications classify a carpet’s ability based on foreseen recurrence and pedestrian activity. These ratings will aid in recognizing how well a specific carpet will perform in particular setting. For a more thorough list of traffic level classification please visit The Carpet & Rug Institute.


  • Moderate
  • Offices
  • Examination Rooms
  • Areas with Light Foot Traffic
  • Heavy
  • Classrooms
  • Libraries
  • Military Housing
  • Severe
  • Airports
  • Medical Facilities
  • Multipurpose Areas

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