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3918 US-76 Chatsworth GA 30705
706-517-2229 or 800-526-2229

Area Rug Ideas

Area Rugs are a great way to add warmth, style, and color to a room. The perfect style and color of your area rug will depend on your personal preference and space. Every space is different, so there is not a one-size fit all rug that will work in every space. The following photos are just a few Area Rug Ideas that might help you envision what your space would look like with an area rug.


Glen Eden_Carnival Stripes_Banjo_Rug_19Glen Eden_Elon_Gold Crest_Rug_18Glen Eden_Rug_17
Jaipur Living_Citrine_CIT05_Rug_14Jaipur Living_Fragment FRG02_Light Grey_Rug_16Jaipur Living_Keyara_KNC07_Rug_15
Joy Carpets_Broadfield_Morning Fog_Rug_8Joy Carpets_Double Helix_1985_Rug_9Joy Carpets_River Run_1987_Rug_10
Nourison_Christopher_Grey Wool_Rug_6Nourison_Joli_Beige White_Rug_5Nourison_Luxe Pointe Flower Trellis_Camel Black_Rug_7
Stanton_Art Deco_Chrome_Rug_2

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